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Reinventing the game industry for an AI only workforce

"We've redesigned the game studio and publisher model around AI"

AI software-development is like mechanized farming. The tools are 100x more powerful but the entire process had to be re-engineered from the bottom up.

AI + Humanity

We've built a cyborg game studio that is 99% AI. We created domain-specific models for every step of game development and we've connected these models together. Humans provide creative input and guidance while AI executes.

100x Faster

Game genres grow, evolve, and die over decades. Now that will happen in weeks.

At the speed of memes?

Memes can have gameplay, leaderboards, and monetization.

100x Tools
100x Scale

AI can build at 100x efficiency, but you can only use that power effectively at 100x scale. We are building a fully verticalized game company: studio, publisher, and user-facing portal

Aaron Yuan

Aaron co-founded and led Hopscotch Games for 6 years. He grew the studio to profitability with 50+ titles with hundreds of millions of plays. They partnered with top publishers and major IPs and built branded experience for Fortune 50 companies.

Join our team

Join us and let’s remake this 200 billion dollar industry together.

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